Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2016

HowTo: Understanding a packet header

Let's take a look at some of the packets we already know and understand. First of a few basics as a reminder:
  1. each and every packet has a header and a body
  2. the header is fixed size, the body is variable in size
  3. the header is fixed in content, the body varies
For now let's focus on what we know about the header.
0x00-0x01The session ID. The server and the client each have a session ID.2
0x02-0x03The length of the packets body in bytes2
0x04-0x07The command (aka action aka OP code) this packet will perform4
0x08-0x0BThe sequence number of the packet (necessary for ordering UDP packets)4
0x0C-0x0FThe checksum of the packets body4
0x10-0x11Packet group number (e.g. 0xffeb, confirmed in the 08004002 packet)4
0x12-0x13Unclear, get increased by the server4

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