Samstag, 11. Juli 2009

Listing the available options

While playing around with the bits and pieces to launch the client I accidentially got it to print all options. Here is a short list of all available commandline options of the game client.

You must specify an account name

-a, --account : <string>: Specifies the account name to logon with.
--authserverurl : Auth server URL for refreshing the GLS ticket.
--bugurl : <url> : Specifies the url that should be used for reporting bugs.
--chatserver : Specify the chat server to use.
--connspeed : <0.0-640.0>:Connection speed in Kilobits/sec for the server-client connection. 0 Defaults to speed searching
-r, --create : <name> : Character Name you would like to create/play
--dbwlib : <wlib DID> : Specifies the exact wlib did contained in the datfiles to use.
--debug : <32 bitfield>: Controls what kinds of debug outputs are enabled.
-f, --franchise : <string>: Specifies the franchise name.
--gametype : <string> : Specifies the game type used for supporturl and supportserviceurl.
--glsticket : Load gls ticket data from specified registry key.
-z, --glsticketdirect: <string>: Specify ticket data.
--glsticketlifetime: The lifetime of GLS tickets.
--HighResOutOfDate: Tells the client that the high resolution texture dat file was not updated. We will not switch into very high texture detail..
-h, --host : [host/IP]:Specifies where to find the server to talk to.
--keymap : <file> : Base file for the keymap. Will also look for <filename>c.extension and <filename>s.extension for meta keys
--language : <string>: Language to run the client in.
-m, --mps : <monster play session>.wc : Monster Play Session to start with
--nodbwlib : Tells the client not to use the database cache for locating the wlib. Instead, the wlib will be loaded directly from the hard drive.
--outport : <1-65535>: Specify the outgoing network port to use.
-p, --port : <1-65535>: Specify the server port to contact. See 'host'
--prefs : <string>: Specify the preferences file to use.
--resource-set : <string>: A comma separated list of available resource sets. The last set is the default.
--rodat : Opens the DAT files readonly
--safe : Force SAFE display settings.
-s, --specify : <race>,<class> : Race Class pair for a character you would like to create
--supportserviceurl: <url> : Specifies the url that should be used for auto submission of in game support tickets.
--supporturl : <url> : Specifies the url that should be used for in game support.
--surveyurl : <url> : URL to use for quest surveys
--usechat : Specify that the client should connect to a chat server.
--useexiturl : launch a browser using an exit url
-u, --user : <name> : Character Name you would like to play
--usetdm : Enable the download manager
--voicenetdelay : <int>: Specifies the voice network delay threshold in milliseconds.
--voiceoff : Disables the Voice chat system.
--webjournalurl : <url> : URL to use for the web journal
--wfilelog : <64-bitmask> : activates file logging for the specified weenie event types. Alternately, logtype enums seperated by ',' are enummapped and or'ed together.
--wprintlog : <64-bitmask> : activates print logging for the specified weenie event types. Alternately, logtype enums seperated by ',' are enummapped and or'ed together.