As you might have seen in this
this video we got to the point of entering the character selection screen. This is a really good start. Today I got the latest copy of code by the videos author. I'm currently reviewing it and will hopefully put it to gitorious later.
The code itself is written using C#. This allows rapid prototyping of applications and good development speed. The code is capable of handling the login but you can't play the game yet. It basically is split into 2 states
During the loginState 15 packets will be sent by the server. In the following marginState 4 packets will be sent. We don't handle ping-pong-packets to verify the server is up and running yet. Also right now the code is not multi threaded.
The biggest downside right now is that we can send the packets the client expects but don't know what they mean in detail.
So stay tuned for further updates.