Sonntag, 15. Juni 2014

State of the project

Dear readers,

I've continuously been asked whether or not this project is still alive. I'm trying to clarify the situation:

1.) I (bwgypyth) am no longer working on disassemling the protocol or creating a free server.

2.) xbadc0de succeeded in understanding the protocol (encryption and checksumming) and was able to create a minimal server. If anyone doubts this drop me an email ( and I will send you a screenshot to prove it (I'm not going to put the screenshot here). He visits from time to time #lotroemu on EFnet, but never shared any code with me. As far as I know he built the server in C++ on Windows and ported it over to Linux as well.

I am unwilling to redo the same work he did. If anyone is able to continue the project: He is. I can only hope he is going to share the code with us at any point in the future.

I'll still be monitoring this blog and will visit #lotroemu more often, but it's hard to do so working on two jobs 14 hours a day.